Just as most of the world turns the corner this week, from
Labor Day to the accelerated pace of work and the school year, Jews everywhere
are returning as well. We are coming
“home,” to family and to community, to our core values and our truest selves.
The Stamford Board of Rabbis, representing the full spectrum of Jewish diversity, welcomes everyone home. While most people have been relaxing and soaking in those final elusive rays of summer sun, we’ve been preparing for a holiday season that begins unusually early this year. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at sunset on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
We approach these Days of Awe with great hope, mixed with
trepidation. The world is shaking from
recent events in the Middle East. We
pray for the safety of all innocent life, and in particular the children who
have been so victimized by senseless cruelty.
We pray for peace and security for the state of Israel, a true ally and
bastion of stability and humanity in a combustible region. We pray also for the success of current
efforts designed to bring peace and reconciliation at last between Israel and
her Palestinian neighbors. And we pray
for those in our area still recovering from the traumas of Sandy and Sandy
Hook, and those victimized by violence, hatred and cruelty.
And finally, we invite those who are searching to seek us
out. During these tumultuous times,
everyone needs a home base from which to draw strength, support and
inspiration. All of our congregations do just that. For those new to the area, we welcome you
with open arms. We welcome you home.
To all our neighbors, we wish you a sweet and peaceful 5774,
filled with joy and blessing.
The Stamford Board of Rabbis
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, Board of Rabbis President, Temple
Beth El,
Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Congregation Agudath Sholom
Rabbi Mark Golub, Chavurah Aytz Chayim
Rabbi Elly Krimsky, Young Israel of Stamford
Rabbi Jay TelRav, Temple Sinai
Rabbi Nicole Wilson-Spiro, Selah