Shabbat-O-Gram for March 15-17-- Nisan 3, 5762
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, Temple Beth El, Stamford, Connecticut
Shabbat Shalom
The Shabbat-O-Gram is being e-mailed out in plain text, but if you wish to see it in all its html splendor, you can click to it on the Web, at If you wish to unsubscribe, contact
With Israelis continuing to suffer so horribly, take a few moments this Shabbat to pray for those who are wounded, whose Hebrew names can be found at the "cholim" Web site, at
JUST THE FACTS: Services and Such…
Friday Night: Candles: 5:43 PM
Tot Shabbat: 7:15, in the lobby
Kabbalat Shabbat: 8:00 PM, in the sanctuary
Shabbat Morning:
P'sukey d'zimra (psalms and meditations) 9:15 and Shacharit: 9:30
MAZAL TOV to Stephanie Bachar, who becomes Bat Mitzvah this Shabbat morning;
Torah Portion: Va-yikra: We begin the book of Leviticus. Read the Masorti commentary at JTS commentary is at: USCJ Torah Sparks can be found at UAHC Shabbat Table Talk discussions are at Other divrei Torah via the Torahnet home page: Test your Parasha I.Q.:
Children's Services: 10:30, in the chapel (grades 3 - 6) and downstairs in the Kindergarten room for younger grades. This week, the chapel service will be "hosted" by grade 3.
Shabbat Mincha-Havdalah: 5:15 PM.
MAZAL TOV to Allison Casper, who will become Bat Mitzvah this Shabbat afternoon.
Morning Minyan: Daily at 7:30, Sundays at 9:00.
Spiritual Journey on the Web: Haggadah Tales
The Haggadah demonstrates both the continuity and diversity of the Jewish people through history, and nowhere is that more apparent than on the Web. There one can find a breathtaking array of Jewish expression. Just type in the word "Haggadah" and on Excite you’ll find 1,515 Web sites, on AltaVista, 10,880, and in Google, 17,600.
Where to begin… How about with history? A superb assortment of medieval illuminated Haggadot can be found at, where you’ll see the pages from the 13th century Bird’s Head Haggadah. In this illuminated manuscript from southern Germany, the facial features of people have been replaced with those of birds, in deference to the commandment prohibiting graven images. This stringent interpretation of the law was not the rule in medieval Haggadot, but it serves as a reminder not only of the piety of Jews in this generation, but also a hint as to their sense of self. The images almost look like grotesque reflection of the centuries of European dehumanization of Jews. Read Jerzy Kosinski’s "The Painted Bird," or Bernard Malamud’s short story "Jewbird," then look at these pictures the effect is devastating. This collection also features some fine modern Israeli Haggadot.
At you can find more medieval manuscripts. Then it’s time to cross the pond to the British Museum, where you’ll find the exquisite Barcelona Haggadah, at
More history can be found at Ohr Samayach, at
(with other Ohr info. on Passover at, which informs us that the popular song "Had Gadya" was first found in a Haggadah dating from the 12th century. Also, although we don't know who actually authored Had Gadya, tradition teaches that it is a very significant work. "Literally hundreds of explanations have been written on it. The Vilna Gaon (1730-1798) alone wrote more than 10 different explanations."
There are a number of personal Haggadahs on the Web, and many of them are quite interesting. Howard Rheingold, the well-known iconoclastic cyber-guru, has his at The Parnes family Haggadah, at, features downloadable music sung by bass singer of the group "Rockapella," which, for this former "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego" fan, was disappointing. At, Uncle Eli spins children’s ditties about parts of the Seder, such as:
You can't ever fool me,
you can't ever hide.
Your matzah's not safe
in the house or outside.
I'm famous, fantastic!
I'll tell you, in brief--
I'm Abie, the Afikoman-thief!
But the biggest treat for me was to discover a link from another personal site, to something far more intriguing: a virtual shtetl, at
Go to to find several links to Yiddish culture, then click to enter the virtual shtetl. Be prepared to lose yourself there for hours browsing the images of old European synagogues, tracking your genealogy or writing down old recipes. The World of Our Fathers doesn’t exactly come back to life here, but, like the Haggadah itself, a site like this can link us at least to echoes of our not-too-distant past.
You can find a Haggadah to reflect almost every form of Judaism known -- and then some. I even found a Christian Seder. No, this is not part of that Hebrew Messianic garbage (and they do have a field day with Passover), but rather a guide for legitimate churches wishing to hold a "last Seder," and it’s at
You know, in rabbinic history, Christianity was perhaps only the second most dangerous heretical sect. For many centuries, public enemy number #1 to the rabbis was a group called the Karaites. You can find out all about them, and how they observe Passover, at The Karaites take the Bible literally and reject rabbinic interpretation, so unlike our Haggadah, the Karaite Haggadah does not tell stories about Mishnaic rabbis staying up all night in B’nai Brak, but instead uses Biblical quotations to tell the story of the Exodus, interspersed with short explanations and blessings. By the way, there are very few Karaites left, primarily in Israel, where to this day they still perform the annual Passover sacrifice, just as was done in the days of the Bible.
There really is a Haggadah for every taste. There’s the Humanist Haggadah, at, and one prepared especially for a Seder shared with the Dalai Lama, at Parallels are drawn between the Jewish and Tibetan experiences. Some of the text is quite inspiring:
"We set aside as a token of hope, this matzah of freedom, as we remember the Tibetan people, whether in exile or under the yoke of Chinese oppression. The Talmud teaches that in messianic times we will recall at Passover not just the liberation from Egypt but the liberation of all peoples from their oppression. We can bring that time of perfection closer by recalling the hope of freedom for all Tibetan people."
Not surprisingly the Seder ends with a chorus of "Next Year in Jerusalem" and "Next year in Lhasa."
You can also find Web sites for a number of published Haggadahs. Among these, some of my favorites are the Santa Cruz Haggadah, at (for a way-out "Californian" Seder), and the Shalom Hartman Institute’s wonderful Haggadah, " A Different Night," I use it at my Seder. The price has gown way down on this one (I’ve found them for under $8 a copy), so now might the time to switch from the old Maxwell House wine-stained booklets to something of lasting quality. The same company that distributes the "A Different Night" also sells those fun Plagues Bags you may have seen around. They’re a great way to involve the kids in the Seder find them at
Speaking of the "Max," if you want to know about that icon of the American Jewish experience, see one, c. 1937, at , read about one person’s memories of it and, if so inclined, buy one on e-bay at
Other links can take you to Haggadot modeled after specific themes, like world hunger and liberation, but I think it’s best to stop here, before the children fall asleep, so we can finish this virtual Seder. BTW, want to know what’s for dessert? Checked out "afikoman" on Google -- over a thousand hits; and "afikomen," another 1,800.
This could keep us in front of our computers all night until our students in B’nai Brak inform us that it’s time for the morning prayers!
Quotes of the Week:
"To the Israelis, I say: you have the right to live in peace and security within secure internationally recognized borders. But you must end the illegal occupation… To the Palestinians, I say: you have the inalienable right to a viable state within secure internationally recognized borders. But you must stop all acts of terror and all suicide bombings. It is doing immense harm to your cause, by weakening international support and making Israelis believe that it is their existence as a state, and not the occupation, that is being opposed."—UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, addressing the UN Security Council yesterday. His statement marks the first time he has branded the Israeli presence "illegal". (New York Times, March 13)
"Mr. Annan had firm words for both sides, and we welcome any call for the Palestinians to stop violence and terrorism. But the words 'illegal occupation’ are definitely regrettable. It feeds the notion that Israel woke up one morning and said, ‘Let’s take over this land.’ But history does not bear out that version of events."—A spokesman for the Israeli Mission to the UN, reacting to the Secretary-General Kofi Annan (National Post, March 13)
"We have no choice but to kill the occupier, to kill him everywhere, every village and every city. There’s no other way to defend ourselves."—Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi, threatening bloody revenge after Israeli defense forces mounted the largest military offensive in 20 years, thrusting into Ramallah as well as the Jabalya, Khan Yunis, Dehaishe, and Deir el Balah refugee camps. (Colonel Gad Hirsch, the IDF head of military operations in the West Bank, says that in its sweep Israel has captured scores of hardcore militants, and destroyed weapons arsenals and bomb-making factories.) (Nat’l Post, March 13)
"We are not going there to say, 'Look, we won.' No, that is not the point. Our aim is to foil attacks. When you come to Dehaishe or any other refugee camp and uncover laboratories for making bombs and rockets with solid fuel, TNT, and explosive belts, what else do you expect us to do?"--Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, saying that military actions against refugee camps will continue as long as terror attacks against Israel continue. (Jer. Post, March 12)
"We are not doing these military operations because of the women [a reference to the heaven full of virgins promised to suicide bombers]. We are doing them because of my house in Ashkelon. My house is stolen. I want it to go back to my children…" Dr. Nizar Rayan, a leader of the Islamic group Hamas. When asked if it was hard for him to have lost his son during a suicide attack in Gaza last fall, Rayan replied, "No, no, no, it was very easy… If we want to get back our land, it seems we have to lose half this generation." (N.Y.T., March 10)
"If they do such a thing here, next to the prime minister's residence, then where aren't you going to be afraid?"--Baka resident Avi Tubul, stepping around shards of broken glass at Jerusalem’s Moment Café after Saturday night’s terrorist attack. "If there was an attack in the city center…you would come to Moment…Moment was the place to go after there was an attack. Where will I go now?" Yankel Amzaleg, a frequent customer (Jer. Post, March 11)
"The liberal fantasy describing Yasser Arafat as ‘a partner for peace’ with Israel has always been farcical…in a 1972 conversation with the Italian journalist Orianna Fallaci, he made his views perfectly plain: ‘The end of Israel is the goal of our struggle and it allows for neither compromise nor mediation…We don’t want peace. We want war, victory...Peace for us means the destruction of Israel and nothing else.’"—Columnist George Jonas, citing Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat (Nat’l Post, March 10)
"Deadly terrorist attacks in Israel have escalated to a daily basis, and it is time to formally designate the Palestinian terrorist groups responsible for these attacks on the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations. Doing so will demonstrate to these groups, those who direct them, and those who associate with them or support them that the failure of these groups to conform their behavior to civilized norms has a price."--Letter to U.S. President George Bush, signed by 202 members (out of 435) of the U.S. House of Representatives, calling on Bush to add Yasser Arafat's Fatah-linked Tanzim, Force 17, and the Aksa Martyrs Brigades to the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations. (Jer. Post, March 12)
From: Rabbi Paul Freedman (in Jerusalem)
Dear Friends:
YES, Nina and I are all right, Nina got up from Shiva for our adored brother , Charles , of blessed memory.Adi , our granddaughter , is on the mend
YES, last night we heard the bang from the explosion at the restaurant on the Aza(Rehov)- Balfour junction.
YES, there was a pigua (attack) in Natanya
The following telephone call came from a friend in London just two minutes ago:
"I'd do anything to be in Israel now because people are not running away , because people are strong and care for each other and stay put. It's not the same here."
We know that a lot of you feel that way.
YES, we are not giving up. After two thousand years , we have a state and a army.
YES, we just went to Cafe Rimon for breakfast
YES, Nee is getting on a bus to go to Elezar across the road from Efrat to help our daughter - in - law , Zilla, because the kids are sick , she's pregnant , and Giddy ,our youngest is on Reserve Duty till Friday.
YES, the sun is shining ; there were kids outside Moment Cafe including a group from the Conservative Yeshiva with whom we joined for the saying of Tefillin this morning as the municipality cleared up.
We've been through much . We CHOOSE to be here , to get on a bus , to go to the Kotel
Pray for us , lobby for us. And if you choose to be here ,Nina and I welcome you with open arms for a meal,for a visit.
From Yeushalayim
Paul Freedman
Open Letter to Crown Prince Abdullah. It may be found at : Saudi Government Daily: Jews Use Teenagers' Blood for 'Purim' Pastries "A Betrayal of Trust" by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin in the Jerusalem Post, on an Arab friend who blew himself up in Efrat. Writing to Israeli terror victims Charles Krauthammer on the Saudi "Peace" Plan
Passover (Food Shopping Guides and other materials):
New Israel Fund’s new 20 page Haggadah Supplement is now available for downloading at (Rabbinical Assembly) Jewish Week Passover supplement;; -- Order Passover food online An extensive array of Kosher links a valuable new web site that provides materials and activities about modern day slavery; are appropriate for Passover.
A Conservative Torah Commentary (Etz Hayim)
Response to the N.Y. Times article of last Saturday:
Letter to the Editor of the New York Times
The review (March 9) of Etz Hayim, the new Torah Commentary published by the Conservative Movement, is so misleading in both its headlines and its focus that it borders on being insulting to any student of Bible. Michael Massing, a freelance author, bases his article on material and perspectives that have been broadly accepted by non-Orthodox Jewry for more than half a century. By quoting only from selected passages chosen to sensationalize rather than to constructively illuminate, Mr. Massing opines rather than reports on this significant publication. By stressing a single issue, archeology, and a relatively minor one at that considering the scope of the Commentary, the author misrepresents both the approach and the value of Etz Hayim.
For the Jew, as important as reading the text of the Torah has been, the quest for understanding the text has been paramount. Traditionally, rabbis and teachers analyzed words and grammar and speculated on accounts and events that were not illuminated in the text itself. Their words -- quoted in the Mishnah, the Gemara and the Midrash -- are obvious examples of attempts to grapple with the meaning of the sacred text of the Torah.
Scholars such as Rashi, Maimonides and Nachmonides continued this tradition. Their insights into the Torah helped generations who lived long after its composition to understand the meaning of the text and apply it to their lives. Today, blessed with rabbis and scholars who bring new intellectual and religious disciplines to help us understand the text of the Torah, Etz Hayim’s rich commentaries, essays and analyses are devoted to helping the open-minded but committed Jew understand the Torah and apply it to daily life. Etz Hayim makes it clear that the truth of revelation and the strength of faith itself do not lie in the negation of knowledge. Rather, faith is enhanced by knowledge, whatever its source.
The twelve hundred pages of Torah text and Commentary in Etz Hayim draw upon the vast sea of classical and modern sources and inspire the reader to draw closer to God. Indeed, the essays – which are an integral part of Etz Hayim – raise some challenging issues. The Torah was never meant to be a historical narrative or scientific text, even though it may contain history and scientific truth. Yet there are events and circumstances that might be challenged from these perspectives. The collection of essays in Etz Hayim encourages the reader to examine the Torah text in order to seek meaning. The point is not whether the text is historically true, but what truths can be learned from it. In the words of Michael Fishbane, one of the editors of the volume: "The biblical text is a shaping of the divine spirit by the human breath of Moses and the prophets; but it may speak now only through the spirit and breath of its interpreters."
The value of Etz Hayim is well understood by the more than one hundred thousand Conservative congregants whose reading of the Torah is enriched by Etz Hayim, who study from it at home and in class and who find in its Commentary and essays new insights and deeper meaning.
It is unfortunate that Mr. Massing chose to craft a sensational hook for his article rather than studying the Commentary in more depth.
Sincerely yours,
Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein Rabbi Joel Meyers
Executive Vice President Executive Vice President
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism The Rabbinical Assembly
Review from the Jerusalem Report (‘Still Timid After All These Years,’ online at
WHY VOTE IN THE ELECTIONS FOR THE WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS Your participation in the elections for the 34th World Zionist Congress provides you with the opportunity: To celebrate 53 years of Israeli statehood after 2,000 years of exile; To stand up for Israel’s security against Arafat’s hypocrisy and Palestinian terrorism; To show your concern about the pressing social questions that threaten to undermine the quality of Israeli society; To make your voice heard on behalf of religious pluralism and religious freedom in the Jewish State. Click here to learn more about what’s at stake.
WHO MERCAZ USA IS: MERCAZ USA is the voice of Conservative Jewry within the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Zionist Movement and the Jewish National Fund working to support religious pluralism in Israel and strengthen the connection between Israel and the Diaspora. Click here to learn more about MERCAZ USA and its agenda.
WHAT ISSUES MERCAZ IS RUNNING ON: Our election platform seeks to realize a better society in the State of Israel while fighting for the country’s safety. We are concerned with Security, Pluralism, Social Justice, Ecology and Jewish/Zionist Education, in addition to the specific concerns of the worldwide Conservative/Masorti Movement. Click here to learn more about the MERCAZ Platform.
WHO THE MERCAZ CANDIDATES ARE: Our slate of candidates represents the best of the Conservative Movement. Led by Dr. Ismar Schorsch, Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, the MERCAZ list of delegates includes leaders from every arm of the Conservative Movement, including rabbis, synagogue presidents, cantors and Sisterhood and Men’s Club officers, from all regions of the United States. Click here to learn more about the MERCAZ slate.
FURTHERMORE...There are 10 other slates running in this election. Click here to learn about 5 more reasons why you should support MERCAZ.
Approximately 220,000 Jews live in Argentina, more than 50,000 below the poverty line -- and the number is rapidly accelerating. The current financial crisis has had a devastating impact on all institutions of Jewish life there. Included in this are many Masorti institutions. Contributions to the Argentina Masorti Social Assistance Fund can be made payable to the "World Council of Synagogues, Inc." and sent to World Council of Synagogues, 155 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. All contributions are tax deductible.
This past year Temple Beth El’s High Holy Day Food Drive exceeded all previous years. Because of present economic conditions more families are coming to the Person-To-Person Food Pantry for help. This is particularly true at the end of each month.
In 2001 Person-To-Person’s pantry provided over 112,000 meals to over 906 different families. In January 2002, 517 families requested food supplies totaling 7,000 meals. Other emergency providers are also reporting increased demand and reduced supply.
During this month, in which we celebrate Passover, we remember the commandment in the Haggadah, "Let all who are hungry come and eat." Person-To-Person is not looking for matzos or gefilte fish, but is in need of cereal, pasta, rice, soups and canned fruits and vegetables.
Please do your part by bringing one or two bags of food to the Temple by Friday, March 22nd. If you prefer, take the food bags directly to the Person-To-Person Food Pantry behind St. Luke’s Church at 1864 Post Road in Darien, CT. Empty bags are available in our lobby.
Your holiday is always sweeter if it’s shared!
Saturday, March 16th - USY Semi-Formal, Manchester, CT, $30 at door, call regional office at 860-563-5531 for information & directions.
Sunday, March 24th - KADIMA Chocolate Seder, 5-7 pm, $10. RSVP to Marcie at 322-6901, ext 324 or e-mail
Sunday, April 7th - KESHER & ATID Bridgeport Sound Tigers Hockey Game, $30 per person, we will be going by bus to the game. For more information, call Marcie at 322-6901, ext 324 or e-mail RSVP's must be in by March 24th.
Friday evening March, 22nd at 7:30 pm
Interfaith Families and Extended Families Walking the Line
Join Rabbi Andrea Cohen-Kiener for engaging service and a thought provoking discussion on the challenges and joys encountered by interfaith families and their extended families
Shabbat, March 23rd at 10:00 a.m.
Spend Shabbat morning with Rabbi Cohen-Kiener
A spirited, spiritual service filled with stories, song and meaningful prayer
Shabbat afternoon, March 23rd at 4:00p.m.
All those in a meditative mood are invited to join Rabbi Cohen-Kiener for a
Featuring niggunim, chant and contemplation to enjoy the day of rest
RSVP to 322-6901 extension 306
Conducted by Hazzan Sidney G. Rabinowitz
Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
A must for all Bar/Bat Mitzvah candidates of all ages! There will be a wonderful video on the making of Tefillin, what makes them kosher, and what could make them un-kosher. Surgery will be performed on a pair of no-longer kosher Tefillin and allow hands-on inspection of each part. This seminar is open to all within our congregation. If you do own a pair of tefillin, please being them along.
This program will be sandwiched between the two sessions of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah class family program with Rabbi Hammerman, "Becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah" that will also take place that morning.
Coming soon….
Trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage
Date: April 28, 2002- Sunday
Time: Bus departs TBE at 10:30, return late afternoon.
Cost: $36- includes transportation, museum fees, and guided tour of the museum, plus kosher lunch at the Museum.
Send checks to TBE, write on check "seniors trip". Anyone wanting more information can call me at home. Phone 203-329-9516.
All checks must be in by April 4th, as the Museum requires payment in full by April 7, 2002. There are no refunds and the date will be not be held after April 7th, 2002 if they don't have the full payment.
Annual Cantor's Concert, featuring the Klezmer Conservatory band of Boston:
April 21 @ 3 PM
Temple Beth El To Honor Hazzan Rabinowitz
The Committee to Honor Hazzan & Sandy is looking for former Junior Choir singers to participate in the upcoming festivities! If your son or daughter ever participated in the Beth El Junior Choir, please call Roz Perlson (323-7328), Kathy Paseltiner (356-9735) or Carol Kalter (968-1075) to give his/her name, address and phone number. Thank you.
May 4 - Dinner Dance at Temple Beth El
May 19 - Community Event to Honor Sidney and Sandy Rabinowitz
Send us any memories, history, personal observations, programs, photos or other memorabilia. Those wishing to honor the Hazzan with a gift to the temple can do so with an entry in a journal being prepared for the May 4 event. Watch your mail for details or contact Roberta Aronovitch (for information) at 203-322-6901 ext 304 or by e-mail at
Junior Choir Reunion! Friday, June 14, 2002
The Committee to Honor Hazzan & Sandy is looking for former Junior Choir singers to participate in the upcoming festivities! If your son or daughter ever participated in the Beth El Junior Choir, please call Roz Perlson (323-7328), Kathy Paseltiner (356-9735) or Carol Kalter (968-1075) to give his/her name, address and phone number.
Beth El Cares
Please volunteer to help us refurbish and repair the home of an elderly Stamford resident. No experience needed, though we are also looking for people with painting and home repair experience to assist the group.
Art and Sue Greenwald at (203) 329-1662 or e-mail
"What would you give to alleviate the suffering of our fellow Jews in Israel?"
By helping terror victims rebuild their lives, and providing the emotional and psychological services needed to overcome the traumatic experiences they’ve experienced….
There we can make a real difference!
- By helping the Israel Trauma Center in Jerusalem aid victims of horrible suicide bombings and devastating shooting sprees
- By rehabilitating the lives of Jews who have lost loved ones and/or limbs in the bombings
- By helping the Israel Trauma Center expand to meet the greatly increased needs
- By renting larger facilities and hiring new staff psychologists to rehabilitate Jews suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
If you lived in Israel, wouldn’t you expect your fellow Jews in America to do the utmost to help you in your time of need?
Send your tax-deductable contribution to Israel Trauma Center at Herzog Hospital, 12467 Carmel Cape, San Diego, CA 92130.
For further info call Rabbi Efraim Warshaw(858) 523-0927.
Scratch an Israeli, and under the surface you’re likely to find some kind of psychological trauma carried along like an invisible backpack from all the wars, the fighting, and the violence they’ve experienced.
These days the situation is even more serious as suicide bombers terrify the population at large. "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is becoming a society-wide phenomenon in Israel," says Dr. Danny Brom, head of the Israel Trauma Center at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem.
Many adult Israelis are scared to go out to crowded places, while their children are nervous and suffer from psycho-somatic ailments, such as headaches, nervousness, irritability or sleeping problems. Each major terrorist attack in the streets of Israel’s cities affects hundreds of people, directly, and thousands of people indirectly. First there are the dozens or even hundreds of wounded, who have to deal not only with severe injuries, but also with psychological trauma, such as fear, loss of family members and/or limbs, loss of a profession and a source of livelihood, and the like. Relatives and friends of the dead and injured are also affected by the traumatic event, as well as the many eyewitnesses to an attack or bombing.
Another section of the public that is very much impacted by terrorist attacks is everyone who watches TV, who react with horror to the shocking pictures, continuously screened on television, bringing the traumatic event right into their living rooms.
The Israel Center for the Treatment of Psycho-Trauma at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, is recognized as one of the most effective treatment and research centers in Israel. Experienced psychologists utilize new and effective short-term methods for treating trauma.
However, there are not enough staff or facilities to handle the enormous overflow at the present time, and many in urgent need of help cannot afford to pay, and therefore remain untreated and suffering.
According to Rabbi Efraim Warshaw, American Representative of Herzog Hospital, "In the current near-war situation, we can offer our relatives and friends in Israel little military, financial or diplomatic advice. What we can do is to help them cope with the harsh realities of daily life in Israel – and when terror strikes, make sure that there are well-trained trauma medical personnel who can help them get through the crisis.
For further information on how you, your family foundation, or your organization can make a difference and alleviate the suffering of our brethren in Israel, contact Rabbi Efraim Warshaw, at (858) 523-0927 or
The Shabbat-O-Gram goes out weekly to hundreds of Beth El congregants and others. Feel free to forward it to your friends, and if you know of anyone who might wish to be included, please have them sign up at You can unsubscribe by contacting our office at
For more information on my synagogue, check out Beth El's Web site at To check out some previous spiritual cyber-journeys I have taken, see my book's site at
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