Rabbi Joshua Hammerman,
Shabbat Shalom
CHappy Chanukah from the Chammermans
and make plans to join us at our super spectacular multi-media Hanukkah concert featuring Cantor Jacobson, our choirs and special guests and surprises (and of course, latkes!)
Sunday, Dec. 12 @
Send your friends and relatives the gift of Jewish awareness
a Shabbat-O-Gram each week, by signing them up at
Quote for the day:
“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says Adonai of hosts”
-- from the Haftarah for Shabbat Hanukkah
The Rabid Rabbi
Today (Dec. 10) is Human Rights Day. If you didn’t know that, it’s because so many of us have lost track of what’s going on outside our little cocoon. IN
It occurred to me that such a rally could well have occurred in Stamford a decade ago, when Joan and Fred Weisman annually made Human Rights Day a time when the Jewish community took the lead in being proponents of human rights for everyone. That was also a time when we had a Jewish Community Relations Council of sorts, and we also had a very active Council of Churches and Synagogues. Such is not the case today. But none of the refugees in
So why should Jews care about this?
For one, because it’s Hanukkah. On this holiday we fight for all persecuted minorities. This Shabbat, Shabbat Hanukkah has been designated as a Shabbat of Conscience on
With the season of Hanukkah upon us, one way you can bring social action to the holiday is by urging your synagogue or groups in your community to promote and participate in The Save Darfur Coalition's ( effort to designate Shabbat Hanukkah as the Shabbat of Conscience.
Background on the Crisis in
The emergency in
The situation has become especially volatile in the past month with Government forces encircling camps set up for those internally displaced by the conflict and denying access to UN aid agencies and other humanitarian groups. The Secretary-General's Special Envoy to
On November 10, the Government of
For the first time in its history, the Committee on Conscience of the
So it is in that spirit that I now put my calendar where my mouth is. I’ve invited Ruth Messenger, president and director of the American Jewish World Service (and one of the most noteworthy faces in NY politics -- see highlights from her extensive bio in the announcements blurb below) to address our congregation next Shabbat morning, December 18. The topic will be, "Eyewitness to Genocide: The Tragedy of Darfur and Why We Should Care." The least we can do is be informed. The AJWS website is at
Last week’s rabid reactions to the alleged Kashrut violations discussed in the New York Times drew some response. Which is the whole idea. In the interest of fairness, I’m including the comments (with permission) of Arney Rogoff, which can be found at the end of this Shabbat-O-Gram. If you wish to see the video in question about Agriprocessors (but don’t until at least three hours after you’ve eaten…meat or dairy), you can go to the PETA website at Agriprocessors is the world’s largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse and the producer of Rubashkin’s and Aaron’s Best meats.
Finally, for more background on another of last week’s rabid rabbi topics, see the article Objections to Presbyterian Church Resolution.
Celebrate 350
Celebrate 350's religious committee is pleased to provide you with material relating Hanukkah to the American Jewish experience. Please visit to access "The View of Hanukkah Continues to Evolve in American Jewish Life" prepared by Rabbi Alan Silverstein, rabbi of Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex in Caldwell, NJ.
SHABBAT HANUKKAH (for more info on Hanukkah, see more from Judaism 101...
Friday Evening Candles:
Class dinner – for 3rd grade (Alef class):
Kabbalat Shabbat: FAMILY FRIDAY – Special Hanukkah edition, special time -
NEXT WEEK -Tot Shabbat:
Shabbat Morning:
Mazal tov to Andrew Erskine who becomes Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat morning
Children’s services:
Torah Portion: Mikketz – Shabbat Hanukkah Genesis 41:1 - 44:17
1: 41:1-4
2: 41:5-7
3: 41:8-14
4: 41:15-24
5: 41:25-47:38
6: 41:39-43
7: 41:44-52
Special Maftir for Hanukkah
Haftarah: Special for Hanukkah – from the prophet Zachariah, describing the temple menorah
See a new weekly commentary now available from the UJC Rabbinic Cabinet, at Read the Masorti commentary at JTS commentary is at: USCJ Torah
Morning Minyan: Sundays at
We usually, but not always have a minyan of ten at our morning services. If you have a yahrzeit coming up and wish to ensure that there will be at least ten present, drop the rabbi an email at and he will e-mail to the congregation a “Guaranteed Minyan” request. Indicate the date of the yahrzeit and whether it would be OK to use your name in making that request.
Minyan Mastery
Now you can become more comfortable with our minyan, and find out all about it at…
Spiritual Journey on the Web
A Festival of Virtual Lights: The Best Menorahs Online - the Israeli Emblem -- why does it include the menorah? - from a medieval Spanish illuminated manuscript, a depiction of Zechariah’s messianic menorah described in this week’s haftarah. - a chair menorah, from Eastern Europe - a Statue of Liberty menorah - beautiful antique menorahs, see also - (Updated daily at 3) Note! Rabbinic authorities agree: you can't fulfill the Mitzvah by looking at a computer screen! - click on “Judea – Holy Land” to see a number of ancient lamps (reproductions) from as early as 1,500 BCE. Notice how they changed over time. You can trace that evolution further at
Then take a look at the real thing at Some early menorahs were simple oil lamps with seven holes in them!
For a modern artist’s take on these ancient treasures, see
A menorah inscription from ancient Rome:
2 prominent religious discrimination cases reach critical stage In Florida, U.S. District Court Judge Cecilia Altonaga is expected to rule early next week on a request for a temporary restraining order that would require the town of Bay Harbor Islands to allow a Christian resident to the display the Nativity alongside existing menorahs. (WorldNetDaily)
White House Menorah Honors Hero Student (New York Jewish Week)
The menorah lit on the first night of Hannukah on the White House lawn in
Apter locked himself and three other student workers in the Otniel Yeshiva kitchen in
After the four students were killed, Israeli soldiers heard the gunfire and chased down the terrorists.
See also President Bush's Hanukkah 2004 Proclamation (White House) See also World's Largest Menorah at Entrance to Jerusalem (Maariv International)
The Menorah of Lights is 21 meters wide and 20 meters tall, made of 1,800 light bulbs, each of them 500 watts strong, and weighs a total of 50 tons.
Psst! Intifada's Over - Arieh O'Sullivan
The Aksa intifada is over. The statistics speak for themselves. The level of terror has been reduced drastically in the past few months to what appears to be on a par with that before September 2000. From the IDF's perspective, the relative calm is not connected to Arafat's death, but is rather the direct result of the aggressive action against terrorists. The army said it has arrested six suicide bombers since Arafat died a month ago, showing that motivation is still there. In the past two months, security forces have arrested nearly 300 wanted fugitives. Families have also turned in 20 suspected suicide bombers since September.
There are roughly 40 terrorist cells operating throughout the territories, mostly inside the large Arab cities. There is no longer any organizational discipline among terrorist groups. IDF intelligence holds that nationalist terror is on the decline and global terrorism is taking its place, as seen in the involvement of Hizballah in about 75% of all Palestinian West Bank terrorist cells. (
Sharon Wins Backing to Reshape Government, Keeps Gaza Plan on Track
Israeli Prime Minister Sharon kept his plan to pull out of
Israel May be Part of Wider Europe - Herb Keinon
The EU said Thursday Israel is among seven nations that will be part of its new European Neighborhood policy, even though the Foreign Ministry said Israel has not yet formally agreed to the EU's "action plan" for membership. The program offers free access to goods, services, people, and capital to countries neighboring the EU in exchange for economic and political reform on a country-by-country basis. The EU-Israel neighborhood agreement also means that "
The "European Neighborhood" accords with
Israelis Float Golan Split for Peace with Syria - Dan Williams
Top Israeli strategists have drawn up a proposal to return parts of the Golan Heights to Syria under a peace deal and will put it to a key policy conference next week. Israeli officials said the initiative did not reflect government thinking, but the Herzliya Conference has often served to float ideas that later became policy.
Under the proposal by former Mossad intelligence operatives Uzi Arad and Shmuel Bar and academic Gideon Biger,
See also Syria "Can Do a Lot" to Stop Terrorism in Iraq
Iraq's national security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said, "There is no shadow of a doubt that the Syrian government can do a lot if it wishes to stop terrorism in Iraq," citing evidence retrieved from the ruins of rebel bases in Falluja. "It is very difficult to convince me that the Syrian government does not know about these activities." (Reuters/Washington Post)
Jewish Group Blasts "Offensive" Artwork in Melbourne
Public art in Melbourne's central business district depicting dead militant Palestinian leaders has sparked an outcry from the Australian and Jewish Affairs Council, the nation's peak Jewish group. The exhibition, on the exterior of an office building, depicts the faces of four Palestinians including former Hamas leaders Yassin and Rantisi. "Hamas is a terrorist organization with the blood of hundreds of Israeli civilians on its hands," said Council senior policy analyst Ted Lapkin, who likened the exhibition to artwork depicting the
Objections to Presbyterian Church Resolution - 31 Signers
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (
The fact that the PCUSA has taken the divestiture step only once previously, when it supported withdrawing investment from the apartheid regime of South Africa, has led some to conclude that the PCUSA equates the government and political system of free and democratic Israel with a regime that silenced all criticism through assassination, imprisonment, or forced exile. The cause of peace is not helped by perceptions, erroneous or not, that the PCUSA draws such a simplistic analogy. (San Antonio Express-News)
Israel's Morality and the World's Myopia - Daniel Gordis (American Jewish Committee)
The New Evil Empire? - Stephen Schwartz
See also The Trojan Horse of Wahhabism - Stephen Schwartz (TechCentralStation)
Muslim Scholars Increasingly Debate Unholy War - Neil MacFarquhar
The long-simmering internal debate over political violence in Islamic cultures is swelling. On one side are mostly secular intellectuals horrified by the gore, joined by ordinary Muslims dismayed by the ever more bloody image of Islam around the world. Arrayed against them are powerful religious institutions like
Stark Choice for Palestinians - Editorial
Palestinians now seem embarked on a wide-open presidential election. The two leading candidates offer a stark choice to voters. Mahmoud Abbas, 69, was the first prime minister of the PA after Arafat caved in to international pressure to create the post in 2003. Marwan Barghouti, 45, is in an Israeli jail, serving five life sentences after being convicted of ordering attacks against Israelis. It's unclear how he could possibly be effective as a jailed president. Worse, the election of a leader whom
See also The Anti-Barghouti Campaign - Danny Rubinstein
A widespread campaign denouncing Marwan Barghouti's candidacy for head of the PA is being waged in recent days among the Palestinian public, although everyone is careful not to taint the honor of "the architect of the intifada," as his fans call him. From the point of view of the top echelons of Fatah, the election process was going smoothly until Barghouti violated the rules of the game.
The political positions among the candidates are almost identical, but if Barghouti doesn't withdraw his candidacy, Abu Mazen's majority will be reduced, placing him in a position of weakness vis-a-vis his rivals in Fatah and outside the movement. A weak Palestinian leader is one who will have great difficulty making the political decisions and the painful concessions required in any settlement with
Blair's Peace Conference to Focus on PA Reforms - Aluf Benn
British Prime Minister Blair will visit Israel and the PA in two weeks to promote his idea for an international peace conference on the Middle East after the Palestinian elections, to grant the new PA leadership international legitimacy. Prime Minister Sharon is opposed to the renewal of the political process until the Palestinians take action to fulfill the first stage of the road map - putting an end to terrorism and implementing security reforms. He is ready for the conference to take place without Israeli participation, that it be a one-day event for professionals, and deal with PA reforms.
Elliot Abrams, who handles the Israel-Palestinian brief for the U.S. National Security Council, visited
France Praises Israel's "Restraint" - David Horovitz
In a radical departure from years of Parisian critical rhetoric, the French ambassador to Israel, Gerard Araud, said Tuesday that he thought Israel "has tried to show the utmost restraint" in the course of the conflict with the Palestinians since 2000. The Palestinian issue is "not the central problem" for Arab states, he said, most of whose regimes are "so fragile....They all have more pressing problems...being mostly obsessed with their own survival." (
Positive Signs? - Moshe Elad
The main message from the Palestinian side is that there's been enough of the peace that began with the
The sounds of joy Israelis are making about "seeing positive signs" in the Palestinian leadership should be regarded with a considered degree of caution. It's not peace they are talking about over there, but about freedom for prisoners, lifting checkpoints, and work permits. Abu Mazen's pleasant words and even the encouragement of Mubarak should be seen as a well-orchestrated chorus of compliments motivated by expectations to see a more open
Subtle Signs of Change - Jim Hoagland
When Saudi security forces shot it out with a small terrorist gang in Jeddah on Monday to protect the lives of
Recommendations for Reforms in Palestinian Textbooks (Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information)
A new report on Recommendations for Reforms in Palestinian Textbooks has been issued by the IPCRI Strategic Affairs Unit together with the Peace Education department. Until now, PA textbooks have not provided evidence that the PA has been implementing a policy of peace-making.
It is not difficult to come to the understanding that the main political theme imparted to the students is that
The recommendations suggest what could be done immediately by the Palestinian Ministry of Education to rectify the confusion.
Palestinian Priorities After Arafat: Palestinian Unity or Peace? - Lt. Col. Jonathan D. Halevi
Ethical Dilemmas in Fighting Terrorism - Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin
Israel One of World's Great Producers of Basic Research - Shlomo Maital
According to a Technion study by Gideon Czapski and Yael Ilan on the "International Status of Israeli Research," in computer science, Israel ranks second in the world in "productivity" (scientific publications per capita) and third in the world in "quality" (the frequency with which other scholars cite publications in their own articles). In chemistry,
See also Israelis to Receive Nobel Prize Friday
Professors Avram Hershko and Aaron Ciechanover will receive the Nobel Prize for chemistry at a ceremony Friday in
The Boeing Aliya - Delphine Matthieussent
The intensified immigration to
See also 30,000 Jewish Youth Visit Israel in 2004
In 2004, over 30,000 Jewish young people visited
A Warsaw Ghetto Diary - Etgar Lefkovits
The only known diary written during the 27-day
"A hand grenade explodes nearby. A deep silence fills the room. The enemy surrounds the house, looking for us. Our sole method of defense is complete and utter silence." "Grenades are thrown at the house. People inside behave bravely. With complete tranquility they look death in the eye," she writes on May 2, the last full day of the diary. "The Germans are shooting every Jew they find." "Hell has come to earth. Dante's Inferno. It is unbelievable and indescribable." (
Three excellent digests of Israeli news:
Israel - one of the most comprehensive Israel News directories on the web, providing up to the minute is a website devoted to the dissemination of news and commentary about the
Jewish and Israeli Links…
Israel Defense Force,
Israel Government Gateway, links to Government Ministries,
Israel Knesset,
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Israel Prime Minister's Office,
Israel Central Bureau of Statistics,
Israel Tourism Ministry, North America,
Buy Israeli Products,,,
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies,
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies,
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,
One Jerusalem,
Twenty Facts about Israel
Myths & Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Jerusalem Archaeological Park,
Israel Info Center - Israel Activism Portal,
US White House,
US State Department,
US Senate,
US House of Representatives,
THOMAS (search for US Legislation),
United Nations Watch,
Embassy of Israel - Washington, D.C.,
Media-Related Links:
Jerusalem Post,
Jewish Telegraphic Agency,
Ha'aretz English Edition,,
Independent Media Review and Analysis,
Maariv English Edition,
Middle East Media Research Institue (MEMRI),
Palestinian Media Watch,
Britain-Israel Communications and Research Centre,
Israel Insider,
Jewish World Review,
America's Voices in Israel,
@The Source Israel,
Other Jewish Sites
The best Jewish kids' site on the Web is , with games, virtual tours and “J-Pod” downloads, kids of all ages will LOVE it.
Another superb educational site is -- you can be a self-taught “maven” on all things Jewish!
See the contents of nearly the entire Babylonian Talmud, in translation at
A Jewish Guide to the Internet:
On Jewish Vegetarianism and Animal Rights: (hey, you KNEW I’d put this one in)
How many Jewish hockey players are there? (None right now…there’s a lockout). Find out at
Glossary of Yiddish Expressions: )Please be patient, this page is farshtopt with information)
You can find an online Hebrew dictionary at
Nice Jewish parenting site Jewish Gates is an amazing site, filled with material on Jewish history, ritual and culture. Go straight to the linked index at and go to town! The Jewish Super Site; a similar site is and my personal all-time favorite,
The sourcebook for Jewish history (all periods) can be found at
Online Texts Related to Jewish History. All the primary sources “fit to print.”
Israel Campus Beat – to get all the latest information on
Beth El Cares Shabbat
American Jewish World Service will address our congregation next Shabbat morning, December 18. The topic will be,
"Eyewitness to Genocide: The Tragedy of Darfur and Why We Should Care."
With special guest speaker:
Ruth Messenger
Ruth W. Messinger is the president and executive director of American Jewish World Service (AJWS), a not-for-profit organization that works to alleviate poverty, hunger and disease in the developing world. And through its Jewish Community Development Fund, AJWS builds Jewish life in Russia and Ukraine. Prior to assuming this role in 1998, Ms. Messinger was in public service in New York City for 20 years, including having served as Manhattan borough president. She is currently a visiting professor at Hunter College, teaching urban policy and politics. She is active in many not-for-profit organizations and serves on the boards of several, including Surprise Lake Camp of which she is president. For the past three years, Ms. Messinger was named one of the 50 most influential Jews of the year in the Forward newspaper. Her husband, Andrew Lachman, directs an educational foundation in Connecticut, and she has three children and seven grandchildren.
Join us next summer
For the next
Beth El Israel Adventure
The full itinerary will be available next week!
at Border’s Book Store
High Ridge Road, Stamford, Connecticut
Meets monthly on the second Tuesday evening of the month.
7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman - Temple Beth El
Rev. Douglas McArthur - First United Methodist Church
Dr. Behjat Syed - Stamford Islamic Center
Next session: NEXT TUESDAY! Dec. 14
Why Worship? The Purposes of Prayer in Different Faith Traditions.
December 3, December 17 and December 24, and the 1st, 3rd and 4th Fridays of every month at
Tot Shabbat is a warm, casual, and family-friendly Friday night service geared especially for children ranging in age from preschoolers to kindergarten. Older siblings are always welcome to participate.
Join us for songs, prayers, games and fun led by Nurit Avigdor who always provides a wonderful evening with her vast repertoire of songs, stories, warmth, and a special way with children. Each Tot Shabbat is followed by a special Oneg.
On December 17, the Tot Shabbat Oneg will be sponsored by Stacye and Stuart Nekritz in honor of the birthdays of their children Jason and Hannah.
For more information, please contact our
Sheryl Young: 203-975-1990
Stuart Nekritz: 203-322-0872
Deb Goldberg: 203-323-3307
Please register to be on our Tot Shabbat mailing list located on the
We look forward to seeing you and your friends at TOT SHABBAT!
A Long Way for a Falafel
A Journal of their recent trip to Israel
By Barbara and Marvin Gold
An email from home reads, "I can't believe that you are going to
(Site: Latrun, the tank museum displaying Israeli tanks and captured tanks.)
We arrive at the Hotel El Dan on Rahov King David,
We question the safety of visiting the Old City of Jerusalem at this time. The
On this Friday evening we walk near our hotel. Across the street from our hotel is the King David hotel, the site of an incident several years ago. Tonight the King David hotel looks busy. We walk on and pass apartment houses. We hear coming through open windows, the chanting of songs welcoming the Sabbath.
On Saturday, we do go to the old city of
Marvin and Gene walk to the men's side of the Western Wall, Ruby and I to the women's side. An old table is filled with prayer books of all sizes. I work my way towards the wall, walking between young and older women. Their hair covered in hats and scarves, the women stand or sit facing the wall; they chant quietly, and pray. Although I feel strange in this setting, I also feel comfortable at the same time. I pull my notes from my pocket, one to remember family and friends, and one especially to my mother, and I try to find a place for the slips of paper in between the already stuffed, stone crevices. This is just a stone wall, I think; then why do I feel so overcome?
In the evening we walk through
We eat salad and pasta at a café in this open shopping mall. I notice the family at the next table. The soldier, a young man, sits opposite his mother and father, and in between a younger sister on his left and by the looks of the way he holds the young woman on his right, I would guess his girl friend. His mother comes around the table to give her son a long hug. Once in a while I glance and each time I see that the mother is watching her son. Ruby says, "Maybe he's leaving for duty in another city."
Sunday. Our friend, Jim Rothkopf, has arranged for a tour through Hadassah hospital. The taxi heads for the hospital moving through roads overlooking rolling
Our guide, Annette Magnus greets us. Annette leads us through the trauma center, adult emergency room, and the soon to open emergency center, equipped as a bomb shelter. Annette explains that at Hadassah they are prepared for the emergencies that future attacks could bring. We are told that representatives of hospitals in the
The children's wing has the cheery appearance of a mall, complete with computers, trains circling the ceiling, a popcorn vendor cart, and a glass enclosed elevator. The theme of the children's wing is as positive as its appearance, "Road to Recovery". "All children are welcome here," Annette explains, "and all nurses are required to know Arabic.
In the hospital synagogue, we view the beautiful Chagall windows. I discover that Marc Chagall's Hebrew name was Moshe Segal. (My maiden name is Seigel.) Hmm…a connection…I wonder?
(Site: Yad Vashem,
On Monday we return to re-visit the old city.
(Site: The Western Wall Tunnels. We follow our guide through ascending and winding tunnels and marvel at the huge stones.)
We wander through the twisting and mingling streets of the
The time has come…that long awaited for falafel! We sit on a stone bench in Yahuda Square and eat our pitas… filled and dripping with veggies, falafel balls, and tahini sauce…even French fries are added to this mix; but I took mine without.
Tomorrow we leave for the Ein Gedi Spa by the
A Zillion Hanukkah Links – Guaranteed to Last for Eight Nights (and then some)!
Nice articles on the spirituality of lighting the candles: and
Listen to (and watch, via streaming video))
This Ritual Life CLAL Faculty on Rededicating Your Home at Hanukah
Links and lots of material:
Educator Cherie Kohler Fox's eight ways to celebrate Hanukkah meaningfully:
Chanukah educational links, coloring books, songs, etc
Hanukkah @ JTS
Virtual Real Audio (blessings, classes, songs)
Chanukah Fun & Coloring Book (Torah Tots)
Kidskourt Hanukkah Coloring Pages
Kid's Domain Chanukah Coloring Pages
My Hebrew Dictionary - Chanukah Related Words
Akhlah for Kids (includes blessings)
Everything Jewish: Hanukah
Being Jewish: Chanukah Gateway Chanukah
Project Genesis - On-Line Menorah
ORT's Hanukkah section
Torah From
NCSY: Chanukah Articles
Neveh Zion Chanukah Pages
Halacha sheet for Chanukah
Darche Noam Chanuka Page
Machon Chagim: Chanukah (English)
Machon Chagim: Chanukah (Hebrew)
Jewish Agency: Chanukah (Easy Hebrew)
Judaism 101: Chanukkah
Chanukah Gateway
JIS: Online Chanukah Course
Chanukah on the Net
Nishmas: Customs of Chanukah
For Every Jew: Chanukah
DundaWare ShockDreidel (req. Shockwave)
CleverMedia: The Hanukkah Dreidel Game (req. Shockwave)
ZigZag Hannukah Lights (req. Java)
Chanukah Word Search (req. Java)
Not Just for Kids: Hanukkah Certificates
Hanukat: Celebrate Hanukkah with the Kids
It's not your Father's Hannukah (Yet it is...)
Billy Bear's Hanukkah
Surfing the Net: Hanukkah Coloring Book
History Channel: Amazing Hanukkah Feats (largest...)
Hanukkah in CyberSpace
ICJI: Chaunkah
Misrash Ben Ish Hai (Sepharadim customs)
WZO - Holidays with a Twist (Humor, 1996)
Virtual Chanukah (Russian, 1999)
Clipart for Hanukkah Clipart
Free Graphics Chanuka Graphics
Bitsela Hanukkah Clipart
Hanukah - Jewish
JOI Hanukkah Activities
Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song (Humor)
Chanukka Midi Music
Chanukka Humor
RFCJ: Hanukah Recipes
Epicurious: Chanukkah Recipes
Care2 Animated Greeting Cards
123 Greetings
Sealing Wax Greeting Cards
Awesome Animated Greeting Cards
Judaic Greeting Cards by Raz
Greetz Greeting Cards Greeting Cards
Arney Rogoff’s comments on PETA and the alleged Kashrut violations:
The people of PETA have shown themselves to be sanctimonious, self-righteous, totalitarian purveyors of their personal, single-minded agenda throughout every instance I've seen or heard of them. Their agenda is to force everyone to think, behave & live the way they do. There's another word for that: fascism. Do you really think it behooves us (no pun intended) to associate ourselves with that mentality? This allegation is really summed up best in their own words, quoted directly from their own website (thanks for the link), in this one succinct sentence:
Maybe after seeing the fear and pain on the faces of the animals we captured on videotape, you will go vegetarian and persuade family and friends to join you.
Their methodology is simply to shock people into revulsion & condemnation by shoving unfamiliar, confusing & revolting images into their senses, thereby making converts by process of elimination & capitalizing on ignorance. Guess who else employs that methodology? Cults, specifically Sun Myung Moon, Hare Krishna, Jim Jones, David Koresh & the Manson family.
I need not waste your or my time or efforts proving my case. I simply offer it for your consideration - as did Rod Serling at the beginning of most allegorical Twilight Zone episodes. Instead let me continue quoting from available sources you provided in your Shabbat-O-Gram, as I did above. All quotes in blue are from PETA's own website.
AgriProcessor workers ignore the suffering of cows who are still sensible to pain after having their throats slit by the ritual slaughterer.
Terrified cows stagger to their feet after workers rip out their throats.
Eating Meat Supports Cruelty
Not only do PETA make their agenda clear in such headers as the above, but they thereby negate any objectivity they may have been trying to foment. Combine that with clearly misleading, unsubstantiated statements as the ones I highlighted in red, and a spotlight is shone on their blatantly misleading, manipulative tactics.
Consider the following contradiction in terms: In the description on their website, PETA says, regarding a letter sent to AgriProcessor, "...We suggested that the plant hire Dr. Temple Grandin...", while in quoting that letter, AgriProcessor's attorney quotes them as saying, "...agree to hire Dr. Temple Grandin...within two months of receipt of this letter..." or they will "...share..." information they allegedly have "...with anyone else..."
Finally, in quoting the article in the NY Times - that bastion of support for all things Jewish - even they report fairly accurately the response of legitimate, universally accepted kashrut authorities:
"...representatives of the Orthodox
"...Rabbis Menachem Genack and Yisroel Belsky, the chief experts for the Orthodox
Scientific studies, Rabbi Belsky said, found that an animal whose brain had lost blood pressure when its throat was slit felt nothing and that any motions it made were involuntary.
"The perfect model is the headless chicken running around," Rabbi Genack said."
Even the Times don't quote PETA, above, as they may have, in describing the process after shechita: "...another worker ...pulls out the trachea and esophagus." as opposed to "...workers rip out their throats."
Also, the aforementioned authority, Dr. Temple Grandin, alleged that this shechita violates federal guidelines for humane slaughtering. The Times once again quotes, "Recent federal rules for slaughterhouse inspectors do recognize "the ritual cut and any additional cut to facilitate bleeding" as different from skinning or butchering, which is forbidden "until the animal is insensible."
My final thought (is that a sigh of relief I hear?) is this: Who are PETA - a secular, socio-political organization - to dictate religious laws & practices? Who are they to demand that laws of kashrut be held up to their standards by their self-appointed arbiters? Do you see why it bothers me so much that you've aligned yourself with this ideology?
As Torah-true Jews, we know that Hashem would not command us to do something that isn't correct by all facets, angles & perspectives possible. He has told us which animals we may eat & which we may not. Granted - may, not must. He has told us exactly how to kill these kosher animals to be acceptable for us to eat. He has determined, in His universe, that every item - whether animal, vegetable or mineral - has its specific purpose. Animals that we ordinarily consider as 'pets' were created not for food, but for comfort, joy & companionship for us. Other animals were created to help us make our lives easier by having more highly developed brains or functional muscle coordination. These we don't eat, either, although other people may.
Animals that have split hooves & chew their cuds have been designated as food for us. They serve no other constructive, productive purpose. That's why we don't find roving bands of frolicking wild cows roaming the jungles & free ranges. The same goes for sheep. In fact, left to their own devices, those animals would kill themselves out of sheer ignorance & neglect.
I've seen the videos that PETA created. Not even taking into account the extensive editing done to these videos, what WAS visible was, as the rabbis said, in accordance with proper shechita. I say this as the grandson of a shochet (
I hope this information & perspective has given you food for thought, that you may consider retracting or rethinking your belief of what you've read from a font of misinformation such as PETA, and consider whether you really want to use the words "disgraceful" and "scandal" until you've delved a bit more into the matter yourself. You're a well-respected, Torah-true Rav for whom I have a lot of respect & admiration. You may want to test the ground beneath your foot before you decide to tread, albeit softly.
- Arney
Previous Shabbat-O-Grams can be accessed directly from our web site (
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