As we approach the High Holidays, take a look at Maimonides' Laws of Character Development (Hilchot Deot). An annotated except can found here and the entire work in translation here. Click here to find a complete version of Maimonides' Laws of Teshuvah (Repentance) online. Here, with English commentary, is chapter two of those laws.
See below Goldie Milgrom's guidance on soul searching from her book, Reclaiming Judaism as a Spiritual Practice
Accounting of the Soul:
Equanimity. Ability to live in balance. Tolerance. Growing pains lead to knowing gains. Orderliness. Allocating time for living life fully with integrity. Decisiveness. Acting promptly when your reasoning is sure. Cleanliness. Modeling dignity in your ways and space. Humility. Know you will always have much to learn and more opinions than answers. Righteousness. Conducting your life such that you are trusted and respected. Economic Stability. Safe guarding enough resources for yourself to live without debt. Zeal. Living with gusto focused on purpose and care. Silence. Listening and reflecting before speaking. Calmness. Giving your needs and thoughts gently while being respectful and clear. Truth. Speaking only what is fully confirmed in fact. Separation. Focus on each strand in its own time, avoid multi-tasking. Temperance. Eating and drinking for good health, not dangerous excess. Deliberation. Pausing before acting, consider consequences, integrate heart and mind wisely. Modest Ways. Eschewing crude, lewd and boastful mannerisms and practices. Trust. Living in the spirit of knowing there is abundance in the universe and you are in the flow. Generosity. Finding satisfaction in making much possible for others.
First take any one of these qualities and reflect on its degree of presence and activity in your life.
Now, go into yourself and notice where in your body this quality resonates. The mind/body connection creates a short-cut to knowing. Is it lodged somewhere? Rather than thinking about the quality, listen to it, discover what your body knows about it. Then, take the information and gently set it before you and return to see if there is more, something new about this quality you can learn inside yourself.
What is your desire with regard to this quality? Sit quietly with this question until a clear image forms, til you imagine a real probability. Invite strength and support for this intention from the great dynamic flow of all possibilities in creation. |
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