This weekend we'll be privileged to welcome three special guest rabbis to TBE. Here is some background on them:
RABBI JILL JACOBS - join us as our scholar in residence; she is one of the leading young rabbis on the American Jewish scene. Author of the "There Shall be No Needy: Pursuing Social Justice through Jewish Law and Tradition" and the forthcoming "Where Justice Dwells: A Hands-On Guide to Doing Social Justice in Your Jewish Community" (Jewish Lights 2011). On Friday night, she'll be speaking on "Taking Judaism Public," on Shabbat morning, Are Our Paychecks Jewish? and after lunch, "When the Water Runs Out: Sharing Precious Resources in a Globalized World." Click here for more details and to see a video of Rabbi Jacobs.
RABBI BARB MOSKOW - We welcome back Barb this weekend. When Barb left our congregation for Phoenix several years back, this year's seventh graders were in kindergarten - they've never had the chance to experience her trademark Shabbatons and fun Round Robin activities. Now all our kids will. On Shabbat morning, Barb will lead the service for our seventh grade shul-in (parents are welcome to join them) and next Sunday, she'll be running Tu B'Shevat activities for our Hebrew School. Barb is currently rabbi of Congregation Merkaz Ha'Iyr in Phoenix.
RABBI MICHELLE DARDASHTI - a recent graduate of the JTS Rabbinical School and the Davidson School of Education, specializes in family education and social action. She will be participating in our family services this Shabbat morning, first for grades 2-6 and later a Tot Shabbat-style service for young families. She'll also deliver a brief d'var Torah during Friday night's service. Rabbi Dardashti currently holds the prestigious Marshall Meyer fellowship at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in New. One of the many projects she's been involved with is Storahtelling, a cutting edge Torah troupe that has gotten rave reviews here at TBE. You can read more about her background here.
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