Baruch Dayan Emet (Praised be the Judge of Truth) |
There will be no Shabbat-O-Gram this week (or next), but I do want to wish mazal tov to Kyle Nadel and family on his bar mitzvah this Shabbat and also encourage you to hear our special guest this Friday night, Issam Saad, who met our group in Israel last summer and who,
has been coordinating and directing coexistence initiatives between Palestinians and Israelis for two decades.
With great sadness I share with the congregation news of the passing of my mother, Miriam Hammerman, this afternoon. Here is a just-the-facts obituary that we've quickly put together.
Miriam Hammerman, formerly of Brookline and Newton, on October 25, 2018. Beloved wife of the late Cantor Michal Hammerman. Beloved mother of Lisa Hammerman Cain (Asher), Rabbi Joshua Hammerman (Mara) and Mark Hammerman; sister of Eleanor Turin and the late Ernest Rouffe; grandmother to Luz (Shlomi), Ethan, Daniel and Adereth, and great grandmother of Neriya and Ohr Ariel.
The funeral will take place at Congregation Kehillath Israel, 384 Harvard St. in Brookline, MA on Sunday, Oct. 28 at 12:30. Interment follows at Beth El Cemetery on Baker St, West Roxbury, after which the family will return to Kehillath Israel for shiva on Sunday afternoon through early evening.
The remainder of shiva will take place in Stamford Connecticut and Mizpe Yericho, Israel. In Stamford, public shiva will take place Monday - Thursday at Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Rd., from 7:30-10 AM and 2-9 PM. Morning Minyan will be at 7:30 AM each day and Mincha-Ma'ariv at 5:30 PM.
Donations in Miriam's memory may be made to the Barry Price Center (which includes Humanity House, the community residence that she and my dad founded), 27 Christina Street, Newton, MA 02461, Jewish Senior Services, 4200 Park Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604, Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Rd., Stamford, CT 06902, Congregation Kehillath Israel, 384 Harvard St., Brookline, MA 02446, and in Israel, Shalva.
I appreciate the many condolences my family has already received and am sorry I won't be able to acknowledge them all individually. Please know that I am encouraging people from the Stamford / New York area not to trek up to Boston for the funeral. Seeing people back here when I return will be very comforting.
Here is a photo tribute to my mom, along with recordings of several of her piano recitals, plus one of my personal favorites, which I played for her often over these past few difficult years, a sing-a-long she had with my brother.
May all mourners be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman |
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