Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Jewish Valentines Day

This coming Monday, many Jews will celebrate Tu B’Av, a day that has become known, especially in Israel, as the Jewish day of love. At first glance, Tu B’Av seems a lot like Valentine’s Day — many couples exchange gifts or flowers and celebrate with a romantic dinner or a night out. However, unlike Valentine’s Day, Tu B’Av is an ancient Jewish holiday that dates back to Second Temple times. According to the Mishnah (Taanit 4:8), this was an annual matchmaking day when unmarried women would dress in white and dance in the vineyards outside the walls of Jerusalem. See How Tu B’Av, the ancient Jewish holiday of love, was revived (Forward)See also: Tu B’Av, the Jewish Day of Love (MJL) And What's Love Got to Do With It? Guided Learning for Tu B'Av (Sefaria)And Click here (or on the poem above) for some poems of love and oneness, honoring Tu B'Av and this week's portion, which includes the Sh'ma, and a primer on Tu B'Av.

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