Friday, January 9, 2009

Shabbat-O-Gram for January 9

There are weeks when Shabbat comes just in the nick of time. Come to think of it, that happens just about every week for me! So that's why I figured with all the bad news going on in the world, I'd begin this Shabbat-O-Gram with a photo of a Pidyon ha-Ben ceremony we had in our chapel just yesterday morning. Mazal tov to Jeff and Theresa Gladstein, parents (and to Gary Gladstein, grandfather), to our Resident Cohen, Kenneth Jay Cohen and most of all to Matthew Ryan Gladstein, the guest of honor.

This Shabbat we welcome Anne Lapidus Lerner of JTS as our scholar in residence.

Please join us for all three lectures:

Friday evening: Rereading Creation: Is Gender Hierarchy Part of the Divine Plan? Services begin at 7:30 p.m (NOTE THE TIME). We'll be in the lobby, using our new siddurim and new service guides for the first time!

Shabbat morning following morning services: The Fruit Uneaten: Fresh Approaches to the Knowledge of Good and Bad

Saturday following lunch: From Expulsion to Celebration: Eve in the Real World

The Synaplex Scholar in Residence Program is sponsored by Penny and Michael Horowitz in memory of Bessie Silver and Millie Reiss, z”l. We are most grateful to them.

Click here for the full Synaplex schedule for tomorrow. There's lots happening!

Special thanks to Karen Hayworth Hainbach and Linda Simon for the love and effort that they put into Sisterhood Shabbat, which tomorrow will be extra special, as we'll be using our new Shabbat siddurim for the first time. Thanks also to Norma and Milton Mann, for sponsoring the new, revised service guides that we'll also be unveiling.

Shabbat Shalom - let it be a Shabbat of peace and good news for us all!

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