know that redemption is at hand when we read
about the Bar Mitzvah of Muhammad Ali's grandson. We also celebrate Father's Day
this week, plus the graduations of many of our students (and join us on Friday
evening as we honor our Middle and High School graduates, sending them off with
books, blessings and Men's Club scholarships). But despite that good news,
there are many challenges facing our local Jewish community.
This week marked the release of the
landmark Jewish
Community Study of Greater New York. The study itself is fascinating
(and the growth of Westchester Jewry bodes well for us). But the mere fact of
the study screams out to us that we need such a study too. Why can they do it
and we can't?
Because they are huge and we are
New York's UJA-Federation's catchment includes the five boroughs,
plus Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester. That's a lot of Jews. The
local UJF includes Tresser Boulevard, Newfield
Ave. and a few exits up the Merritt. Fairfield County has five - count
'em, FIVE - separate and distinct Jewish federations: Greenwich, Greater
Stamford, Norwalk-Westport, Bridgeport and Danbury. This pointless
splintering has denied us the chance to understand the needs of our Jewish
community and forge a cohesive county-wide alliance with the ability to draw
from our vast reserves of financial, organizational and visionary resources.
Fairfield County needs a mega-federation NOW. Community leaders (like me)
need to speak out about it. The merger, involving staffs, campaigns and
lay boards, could be complete or partial. But now is the time to do
It has been shown that consolidation works in a federation world that has been
staggered over the past decade by economic and demographic downturns and the
rise of foundations and mega-agencies. Consolidation would allow for greater
sharing of funds and expansion of vision. This is being seen in
communities like Tampa and Orlando, which have recently formed an
Just last week, the
Metro West and Central New Jersey federations announced a merger. The Boston area has also
undergone significant consolidation.
Go to the listings
of North American federations and find one state that has more federations per
square mile than ours.
No state comes even close. Our current system simply makes no sense -
it's sort of like every city in Fairfield County having its own major league
baseball team. It wasn't supposed to be "two Jews, three
federations," but in Fairfield County it almost is. It's as if, back
a half century ago, someone in Greenwich, someone in Stamford and someone in
Norwalk decided that they would never get along, so why bother? Let's
agree to permanently disagree and start three federations! Frankly, it's an
embarrassment. Where is it written that Greenwich and Stamford Jews won't
mix with their compatriots in Westport and Fairfield? Are we that
snobbish? If the Upper East Side can co-exist with Brighton Beach, then
Greenwich can talk to Bridgeport. Are our machers that selfish, requiring so small a pond
in which to be the big fish?
No. In fact many of our largest donors are taking their philanthropic
dreams to federations like New York's where even in that huge ocean their money
can make an enormous difference. A county-wide Fairfield federation, one
that dares to dream, could lure them back home.
New York, Boston and L.A., along with other large federations, have led the way
in pioneering and promoting grass-roots efforts to revolutionize education,
marketing, social services and inter-agency partnering. Check out jewishboston.com and you'll see degrees of
federation-synagogue partnership that we've never seen. Look at New
York's Synergy
Only a large federation can forge such partnerships, one that is much bigger
than any of its agencies, one that can bridge communities, one that can stand
above the day schools, JCCs and welfare agencies and help us share our toys.
Large federations can afford demographic studies, strategic plans and marketing
campaigns. Large federations can coordinate and adequately fund successful
Hebrew High School programs (see my alma mater, Hebrew
College Prozdor)
that individual synagogues will line up to embrace rather than compete
against. Large federations can excite young leadership and have the funds
to nurture their growth. Large federations can afford snappy marketing,
thought-provoking social media outlets, newspapers and top-notch websites. The
websites of the Fairfield Five are uniformly unspectacular - I give Danbury's
my highest grade, a gentleman's C.
Large federations can bring Jews together for Israel in ways that will force
the community to stand up and take notice, and enable our children to swell
with pride. The federation used to be THE address for all things related to
Israel. Now that position has been assumed by groups like AIPAC, ADL and
the NIF. We have what's called a "consortium" of
federations aligned to our sister city of Afula. Each community helps
Afula-Gilboa, but rarely do we come together in order to do it and because of
that the assistance is diluted. The "March of the Living" is
the closest we come to a mega-mission. There are no county-wide
parades. No mass rallies. Federations like Boston's are able to
lead the entire community toward a
mature Israel advocacy, one that helps diverse groups listen to one another,
embracing a pluralism of perspectives, while also sending Israel the political,
financial and moral support she needs. Having a mishmash of federations limits
the impact of Israel advocacy here. When large communities speak in one
voice - as Jews can do in a crisis - the media listens. The Jewish
community of Fairfield County never speaks in one voice.
In fact, the Jewish community of
Fairfield County, as a unified entity, does not exist.
Educationally, there are no Limmud retreats with hundreds of people sharing
ideas; no Me'ah seminars clustered in synagogues
region-wide. Here in Fairfield County, each community has done fine adult
educational programs, but even Stamford's successful 3-hour annual "Tapestry" night doesn't come close to
matching the power of a weekend-long Limmud. And our Bureau of Jewish
Education, arguably the best thing our federation has accomplished over the
past decade (full disclosure: I lobbied hard for it), is constantly under
threat of being cut. The Bureau, with all its courses, teacher training and special
ed programs, can only be sustained by - you guessed it - a larger federation.
Large federations can support day schools and supplementary Hebrew Schools as
well, encouraging innovation and partnership. They can find the
unaffiliated and steer them toward involvement, becoming a prime gateway for
groups that all too often have found themselves on the fringes of the
community. We've tried to reach them, but our success has been far from
complete. Pooling resources would help us immeasurably. Having the
federation become a true central address, bigger than any local agency, will
reverse the dysfunctionality that plagues our communities.
The Jews of Fairfield County have much in
common. Many share roots in New York or New England. We work in the
same offices. We meet at AIPAC, ADL, Jewish Home, JFS, JHSC or UConn
dinners - those organizations belie the myth that we can't act on a county-wide
basis. The rabbis talk to each other, though not often enough. We watch
the same cable TV channels and read the same (lousy) local newspapers.
Many of us send our kids to the same day schools. We share a Jewish High
School. We love Israel and have met there, at Hadassah conventions, the G.A. or
on the "March of the Living." We love Israel so much that, if
we pooled our collective resources, we could raise much more money for
We could raise much more money for
everything and save money as well. That's
why they are joining forces in central Florida.
These words might seem jarring and
harsh. On occasion I've been known to speak my mind, but I must confess,
with regard to this matter, I've been far too placid. I've felt this way
for far more years than I'm willing to admit, and I know that many others have
expressed similar feelings to me. But no one wants to upset things. I
guess that's my job.
This is the moment to act, for Stamford's
federation certainly, but for the others as well. To the credit of our
local UJF leadership, the merger option is being considered seriously, but I
also know that at times like these, inertia is a dangerous narcotic. It is too
easy to table hard questions. I also hear from rabbinic colleagues that
neighboring communities are interested in exploring greater collaboration.
But all too often, egos get in the way. And if there's one thing
this county has in abundance, it's egos. I hear this process will require
years of study and negotiation. I don't agree. It will take a lot
of work, no doubt, but if the sense of urgency is there, that work can be
compressed into a relatively brief amount of time. National federation
leaders can't wait to help us. If just two or three of the Fairfield Five could
come together and make it work, the others would follow, egos notwithstanding.
But first we have to agree on this path.
If we want to be part of a larger, relevant Jewish world, I see no other
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