Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Purim Pics 2009

Check out this sampling of our Purim service and carnival. Special thanks to all our Megilla readers and everyone involved in the carnival. As you can see, Mara and I went "ecumenical," all in the spirit of Purim fun. And given the topsy turvy nature of Purim, where Haman becomes Mordechai, and Esther, I mean Hadassah, is either Mordechai's cousin, daughter or niece, it isn't so shocking that my wife would become a sister (and the cutest one since Sally Field, I must add). But please, enough of those "How do you solve a problem like Mara" comments! Special thanks to Dan Young for photography at the service and Steve Lander for the pictures of the carnival. Click on the photos to enlarge. And for a wide variety of Purim videos, go to http://wejew.com/search/purim/. Enjoy!

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